Category life

[Watch Video] DROPPIN’ GEMS | Open Your Own Doors When No Doors Are Opening For You

Within the first minute of Kylie Jenner’s interview with Mrs. Rodial, she drops 1 major gem. Everything else is just random beauty answers besides when Mrs. Rodial asked Kylie how she decides to choose her lipstick colors. “Every time I would release what lip liner I was using it completely sold out everywhere and I couldn’t […]

Droppin Gems | It’s Time To Make Things Happen

This man Tai Lopez in the video below is a freakin’ gem! I think or spirits are the same. Honestly, I really do. Below are some MAJOR KEYS that he said that you need to start implementing immediately. All seriousness though, watch the video and fuckin’ become ready to change your life. Knowledge is information that […]

Echo Fridays | Quote Of The Week

“Just remember that only your impact and influence are eternal.” – Tim Denny   Amen to that! The one and only thing that is guaranteed in life is that we are all going to die. That is really honestly the one and only thing. So don’t ever be afraid of it. Instead use it as […]

Droppin’ Gems | 6 Quotes To Inspire Your Path To Greatness

Whether you’re just feeling unmotivated or just need a pick me up these quotes are sure to inspire you and lift you up about your life. As humans I feel like we often question if we are doing the right things in our lives that are going to get us where it is that we […]